Sunday, June 27, 2010

Special Olympics 2010

Hello Sophomores,

Once again, thank you for all your hard work, enthusiasm and compassion you all demonstrated at the Special Olympics. I was very proud of you and so glad CCCC made such an impressive showing.

I will be forwarding pictures and a brief narrative to the college about the event, so if any of you still have pics, please send them this week if possible.


I am listing the four questions I would like you to answer as part of your reflection assignment due when we meet again in the fall for DEN 230. The reflection piece should be at least 500 words and will be graded by a rubric/criteria I will attach via an email.

1. What were your expectations prior to attending the Special Olympics and how did the actual event compare to your expectations?

2. Describe a person you encountered at the event, athlete, care giver, volunteer or organizer and how they made an impact on you, good, bad or otherwise.

3. How did you feel about the actual event in reference to how the dental services were set up and carried out. Do you have any suggestions to make it better by either adding services or reaching more athletes?

4. How did the service experience itself leave you feeling about the special needs population
and how we as dental hygienists can make a difference.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Research Poster Presentations 2012

Greetings all soon to be second year students! Welcome to my research poster presentation blog for your summer entertainment and enjoyment... This site is meant solely as a means for you to access topics and web links because Moodle is not yet available. I tried to link the criteria guidelines directly here from Moodle, but as you will see on the guidelines page of the blog, there were some snags. You will be able to access it fully in September. You may post on here all you like, I will answer when able and please feel free to communicate with eachother here as well. Please read the journal article below, it gives you a simplistic look at research and how to evaluate articles. Below is a video of the research Poster Presentation night December 2009. You will be year 4 of this event and I know you will be OUTSTANDING!! I will continue to post here as I think of things you may be interested in so check in once in awhile if you would like! I look forward to working with you all in the fall on this project, you are a wonderful group! Mrs. D