Poster Presentation and Literature Review Criteria

Dental Hygiene III - DEN 230

2012 Student Poster Sessions Criteria


The Research Poster Session is a presentation using oral communication and visual media to inform, clarify, and/or review material on a specific topic.

A poster presentation presents useful and timely information in an original, interesting manner. This information may be a technique; theory; service; trend; or expanded opportunity in the practice of dental hygiene and/or the realm of oral health. Your poster presentation should be simple and direct with an element of action to stimulate attention and interest.


• Determine a theme for your presentation and work toward developing it.

• Research your topic thoroughly and have reference documentation available.

• Be prepared for questions and discussion

• Practice your best communication skills. (Minimal reading from notes)

• Use visual aids effectively to reinforce what you are saying.

• Prepare handouts to outline, summarize, or supplement your clinic.

• Practice your presentation with friends and colleagues. Ask for constructive criticism.

REMEMBER: A research poster is not merely an exhibit of materials.


1. A display consists of one lightweight, usually tri-panel, bi-fold, single-sided poster board with appropriate information (including graphs, data tables, drawings, sketches, diagrams or photographs) - A poster is intended to be read quickly in a busy room, and provoke discussion. Posters which are visually appealing and legible make the biggest impact.

2. Professional attire is required. (will be discussed in class)

3. A minimum of 40 brochures/handouts must be available and include title of clinic, abstract, date and bibliography. Please do not include dental hygiene program affiliation on the handout.

4. All presentations are conducted at individual tables.

5. Only one 6’ x 2.5’ table will be permitted for each table clinic.

6. Advertising matter, commercial promotion, and solicitation of sales of any type are prohibited.

7. Drugs must be identified by their generic or chemical formula, rather than by commercial trade name.

8. Trade names on products and or instruments must be covered.

9. The use of sound devices of any type is prohibited.

10. Charts, diagrams and display materials must be limited to the table top poster and dimensions are typically 36” x 48”.

11. Presentations must not exceed seven (7) minutes.

12. Poster Presentations will be judged by three (3-4) randomly assigned judges from a pool of approx. twelve (12).

Brochures and Posters will be due Dec 5th.  The following are excellent sites with ideas for poster & brochure development:

Requirements for the Research Paper:

Students will submit an Abstract and Literature Review following the criteria below:

Students will obtain at least ten research articles (from peer reviewed and/or evidence based journals) on their topic published from January 2004 to date. One article/study per group will be submitted by October 3rd along with topic focus or direction.

The abstract will be due by Oct 24th. The research paper must be a minimum of eight to ten pages, double-spaced, 12 Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. The paper must also include footnotes citing your references in APA format. The research paper/literature is due Nov. 14th. Poster Presentations are tentatively scheduled for Dec 12th.

A. The Abstract

What is an abstract?

An abstract is a brief summary of a research study. It describes the objectives of the study (i.e., what hypothesis you were testing or what research question you were attempting to answer), the methods used, the major results, their interpretation and their implications. They often appear at the beginning of a full-length research paper, or may be published by themselves as part of the proceedings of a professional meeting.
I. Abstract Format - All abstracts must adhere to the following template:

a. Typed on a single (one) U.S. letter-size sheet (8.5” wide x 11” long).

b. All margins (top, bottom, right, left) set at 1”.

c. Typed double-space in 12-point type, Times Roman font required.

II. Abstract Content – Abstracts must be written in the following structured format

a) Title: Limit your title to 10 or fewer words. Do not include brand names. Do not list authors of the Table Clinic.

b) Background: Describes the problem being addressed.

c) Methods: Describes how the work was carried out.

d) Results: Describes the primary results including data and, where appropriate, statistical methods.

e) Conclusions: Describes what the authors have concluded and, as appropriate, the clinical implications.

III. Do’s & Don’ts

a) Do not include illustrations, photos, tables, charts, or columns.

b) Do not include any information that identifies the student(s) or affiliation; i.e. institutions, study population, grant sources, faculty acknowledgements, etc.

c) Do not identify any product by brand name or include the names of manufacturers in the title or the text.

d) Limit abstract to 150 words or less (this includes ALL words, including section titles, etc.) – a word count will verify that authors have met this stipulation.

Abstract Examples

Methamphetamine Induced Caries: An early intervention

Background: Methamphetamine, a central nervous system stimulant, has become an increasingly popular drug of choice in the last decade due to its addictive properties and relative low cost. Researchers and dental professionals have indicated a condition commonly called Meth Mouth or Methamphetamine induced caries, a pattern of tooth decay on the smooth surfaces of the teeth which also include dry mouth and oral sores.

Methods: Information from literature and systematic reviews was gathered and reviewed.

Results: Studies are inconclusive as to whether early intervention will be effective in reducing methamphetamine induced caries. Further studies need to be conducted.

Conclusion: As a dental hygiene professional it is extremely important to understand addiction and how it impacts the oral cavity and overall health. The dental professional can also help to identify and perhaps educate the population that is impacted the most by this highly addictive drug.

Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Surgical versus Non-Surgical

Background - Research indicates that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is life threatening and often debilitating. People who experience sleep apnea have at least 5 episodes of apnea or hypopnea a night, which results in daytime sleepiness, impaired mental function, CNS problems and oxygen depletion. Diagnosis and treatment is of upmost importance for increased longevity.

Methods - A literature review was conducted to determine the best treatment and long term success rate for complete recovery. Compared were many experimental studies which involved OSA patients who underwent surgical versus non-surgical treatments. The surgical treatments that were studied included reduction surgery of the soft palate and intranasal related tissues. The non-surgical methods included continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), oral appliances and behavior modification.

Results – The majority of studies reviewed concluded that conservative and non-surgical treatments were more effective in treating patients with OSA. In fact, many studies found that the surgical treatments were far too invasive and contraindicated regarding the long term success rate.

Conclusion - Studies concluded that CPAP is considered the most effective treatment for OSA, followed by the use of oral appliances.

B. The Literature Review

What is a literature review?

The literature review provides relevant information about your topic, as well as your synthesis and evaluation of the article(s). It is not just a summary of the article(s). As you locate articles, determine those that are the most relevant and that give you the most information. Choose a minimum of ten articles.

A key aspect of a review paper is that it provides the evidence for a particular point of view in a field. Thus, a large focus of your paper should be a description of the data that supports or refutes that point of view. In addition, you should inform the reader of the experimental techniques that were used to generate the data.

The emphasis of a review paper is interpreting the literature on the subject. You need to read several original research articles on the same topic and make your own conclusions about the meanings of those papers.

Steps in developing the Literature Review

Preliminary search of Literature: As noted elsewhere, you will want to base most of your research on scientifically legitimate sources of information obtained from primary literature and other appropriate technical references.

• Look up references in the Literature Cited section of a relevant article.
• Search for other articles by authors of key references.
• The following are very helpful sites to locate more articles:
ADA Evidence Based Site

Breadth of the topic

Your topic search or direction should have enough background material available to make your project factual and interesting, but not so broad that you cannot address the topic thoroughly in the allotted space.

It is best to think of the topic as a thesis, hypothesis, or question to be proven, tested, or answered and utilize the PICO format.

When developing a direction to go with your project, consider:

• Areas of controversy in the subject/field

• Recent breakthroughs of public interest

Once you've identified a direction for your project you need to formulate a topic question, hypothesis or thesis preferably in PICO format that will be represented in your title (see next section below).

Examples of good topic questions/titles:

"The use of Chlorhexidine Irrigation during Periodontal Scaling Increases Pocket Reduction" is a fairly concise topic thesis that should yield enough scientific data for a decent project.

"Chlorhexidine is Effective in Treating Periodontal Disease" is a concise topic hypothesis.

"Is Chlorhexidine Effective in Treating Periodontal Disease?" is a concise topic question.

"Is Chlorhexidine compared to Arrestin as Effective in Treating Periodontal Disease?" is a PICO format

Analyze the data you have collected:

Which studies support your hypothesis/thesis/question?

Do some studies support alternative hypotheses?

Is there controversy in the scientific community over this topic, or general agreement?

Collect relevant graphs, figures or tables that can be used in your presentation.

Helpful Websites

The Literature Review: A Few Tips on Conducting It (University of Toronto Writing Center) - Good, brief list of questions to ask in order to conduct an effective review.

Literature Reviews - Tips on research strategy and organization of a literature re
view from the Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Sample Literature Review

I. Writing a literature review:

a) Choose a research area from the list provided.

b) Identify sources of information. - This literature review will be limited to peer-reviewed research articles in journals only. Articles must have been published from 2004. Record citation information for your report and bibliography as you research. Review the APA guide before you start. Locate, read and evaluate potential articles. Take notes on your articles, and identify patterns as well as agreements or disagreements among the authors.

c) Write your review, including your own synthesis and evaluation of the articles you selected. Provide a citation and a summary for each article.

II. The Literature Review will include the following content areas and be a minimum of 8-10 pages:

a) Title page - including the date and name of students

b) Table of contents

c) Introduction:

Briefly orient the reader to the given subject with an overview of the research problem studied, providing enough detail to ensure clarity.

d) Body:

Summarize all relevant data, including data characteristics

Compare, evaluate and interpret the findings of your literature review
Discuss study limitations if present, implications for dental hygiene practice, education, and research and recommendations for further study.

e) Conclusions:

State the conclusion, theories, or implications that may be drawn from your literature review.

f) Literature Cited/References:

APA - Review the APA format guide before writing. (see below hyperlinks)

Templates for APA Research Paper -

III. What Goes into Each Section of the Literature Review: (detailed)

Introduction & Background

Make it brief (~1/5 of the paper’s total length).

 Grab the reader's interest while introducing the topic.

 Explain the "big picture" relevance.

 Provide the necessary background information.

Body of the Paper – Results &Discussion

 Experimental Evidence: Describe important results from recent primary literature articles

• Explain how those results shape our current understanding of the topic.

• Mention the types of experiments done and their corresponding data, but do not repeat the experimental procedure step for step. Examples

• Point out and address any controversies in the field.

• Use figures and/or tables to present your own synthesis of the original data or to show key data taken directly from the original papers.

Conclusion • Succinctly summarize your major points.

• Point out the significance of these results.

• Discuss the questions that remain in the area.

• Keep it brief.


At least 10, APA format